The notion of motherhood and how to define it is hugely complex. Scarcely another concept has provoked a more diverse range of associations, emotions, and stereotypes, nor shifted so frequently throughout the history of humankind. Today, the topic is more political than ever.
This book provides an overview of how contemporary art reflects perceptions of motherhood and mothering. Fourteen examples illuminate various aspects from a biological, psychological, and social perspective. Another topic that is included in these considerations is that of nonmotherhood. In addition, the ambivalent attitude of the arts and cultural sector toward artists who decide to become mothers is examined, as is the artistic exploration of motherhood in terms that go beyond heteronormative, cis-gendered relationships.
Artists: Clara Alisch, Jagoda Bednarsky, BMX ALI (Bronco Wewer, Marlene Rüter, Sabine Wewer), Elinor Carucci, Hannah Cooke, Alex Giegold, Emese Kazár, Lebohang Kganye, Martha von Mechow, Elianna Renner, Felizitas Stilleke & Smruthi Gargi Eswar, Sophia Süßmilch, Frederik Vium